Tuesday, December 2, 2008

GEE-tar HeRO

Mike and Memphis just alike...

So a while ago, Mike informed me he HAD to have Guitar Hero. I know it's all the rage but ehhh, I don't get it. Seems super lame to me. Well Memphis LOVES it! She thinks she is so cool! Mike will turn on music and she will play just like her daddy. Despite my distaste for GH, it's kinda hard not to just love how cute your 18 month old looks trying to be so big.


The Skousens said...

Memphis is too cute!!! She is looking so grown-up!!

JeSs said...

I am so uploading Gene and Ronnie rockin out! We lead similar lives..Grandma BB caught them on camera this morning playing guitar Hero! I am with ya.....Never played it before!

Marie said...

I confess to liking Guitar Hero. It is Scotty's favorite way to bond with Brett so I know where you're coming from.