Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11 years ago...

I love anniversaries of all sorts! I find myself often saying... "7 years ago on this day I met..." or 2 years ago on this day I started working here". I like to think I have a pretty good memory that way. I have been thinking a lot this week about an anniversary that was so pivital to my life, career, friends and future. At the time, of course I had no idea how much it would effect me.

I was in a wierd place. I was 18, graduated a year and directionless. Depressed. I e-mailed my cousin Heather and I am sure rambled on and on about life and the lack there of. I can still remember her response like it was yesterday. She said... "you sound like I feel". She suggested I come for an extended visit while she was all alone in her parents house. Her family was in England for three months working on the Preston Temple (my uncle was a gold leafer). Two days later I had quit my job and I was in the car driving to Utah, I had my car PACKED. I had enough money for gas and that was about it. I got here and found a job within 24 hours. I walked into Bugle Boy, they asked if I could work days and i told them...yes. They then told me to apply no where else and I had the job. They made me a manager and I loved that job!!! Fun people, fun work.

It only took a few days to figure out that I was in the right place. At the end of the three months, leaving was out of the question. So much had happend. I met Karen and Heather Skousen. The four of us quickly became inseparable!!! Heather (my cousin) introduced me to her boss Tim. He hired me after a few weeks (so I had two jobs)! I was a Bear Creek soup rep to start. I am still in the Foodservice Industry today...because of him!!

Life was good. So my "extened stay" still hasn't ended and sure, life has it's ups and downs, but overall life in Utah was one great choice.


Doney Days said...

I'm so "glappy" you made the decision to come here. My life would be very different without you! Love ya!

Jenilee said...

It is amazing how one choice can change the direction of our lives.

Olivia McCord said...

So glad you came to Utah. I've been here over 10 years now! It'll be interesting to see how long we'll stick around (if it were up to our husbands we'd be living in a really rainy state right now:)

Bennifer said...

Wow how time flies. I still remember the first time I met you...when Heather A-O made you over. Leather jacket, shiny shirt, HAHAHAHA! I was burning the money candle to see if I could win the 10$ prize. SO GAY! And Mickey attacked you, oh good times. So why do I live in AZ now and you in UT? I cry now.

Lance and Heather said...

and.... it's all because of me! LOL
No really.